Crisis manager database
Food Federation Germany's crisis manager database represents the first central, sector-wide and broadly available network that quickly and efficiently provides crisis management information.

Cropped shot of business woman hand while typing on computer tablet and sitting next to her colleague.
© sodawhiskey - stock.adobe.comFor quick communication in the event of a crisis
When companies are affected by crises, it is both essential and vital, that their crisis managers are available at all times. When their crisis managers are readily available, companies can respond to, manage and solve crises in the shortest possible time.
Food Federation Germany's crisis manager database represents the first central, sector-wide and broadly available network that quickly and efficiently provides crisis management information to all affected parties in crises.
Contents of the database and data management
The database contains the contact data of crisis managers responsible in companies/authorities and their representatives. In addition, the database provides information about individual operational sites/branch locations or authorities/departments, respectively, including postal codes, Federal state (Bundesland), type of business and product categories.
Via a simple search function, operational sites and departments can be quickly selected, search results lists with contact data of crisis managers can be printed out and email messages can be sent directly to crisis managers.
The companies, laboratories and associations represented in the database are responsible for entering and managing the data of their own crisis managers and representatives. Each company names to the Food Federation Germany the person it has appointed to be responsible for such data management. Entry and management of data of authorities is carried out by a BVL representative.
Access to the database is free of charge for members of the Food Federation Germany.
Interested companies may register using the registration form for the Food Federation Germany's crisis manager database.
There is a one-time registration fee of 300 euros (+ VAT).
Ms Susanne Sigg
Tel.: +49 30 206143-125
Fax: +49 30 206143-225
Email: krisenmanager[at]